Lightning Strikes Twice

Because I didn't learn the first time around!

Why Should It Bother You?

I actually managed to speak to my mum on messenger today! This is no mean feat since she seems to have turned rather uncontactable and always appears online but “busy” and never seems to answer her phone.

I told her brother dearest is moving into our older brother’s house after only a month of living with me – since she moved to Guernsey to be with her man, leaving a sixteen year old in the care of me (heavily pregnant with a toddler nd living in a two bedroom flat-meaning I had to give up my bedroom and take to the sofa) and an eighteen year old to move out of home and live in the real world.

She asked why he is moving and I told her that they decided it would be easier all round nd she copped! Not being funny but my older brother actually has a SPARE room which is bigger and it would also mean I haven’t gotta worry about claiming more money to give to him AND I actually get to have my own bedroom and a bed again.

She’s the one who has buggered off to live her new life and do up her new house and live in perfect bliss with her new husband to be. I never wanted him living with me but what was I supposed to do? Have him living on the streets because there was no way in hell he was going to Guernsey! She didn’t even plan it properly – just decided to move and in the run up to her actual moving her hurtful comments when things didn’t go her way – “I can’t wait to leave all this behind” – in reference to her letting all things discipline like slide and my brothers not doing  god damn thing to help and coming and going as they pleased. All she wanted to do was get out of England so she could spend all her time on a crappy island being at the beck and call of a man!

I’m thrilled he is moving because he never cleans to my standards – always leaves lights on – doesn’t follow my ground rules that I set down before he moved in – gobs off at me because i’m nagging (had to ask him to do something for the umpteenth time) and I might actually get a decent night’s rest as opposed to sleeping on the sofa which is doing my back no end of good!

I told her when I couldn’t find a three bedroom place tht he couldn’t come to me but when I viewed this place she was telling him about all that would fit in the room. MY room!

I would like her to come and stay with me for a couple of weeks around the birth of lg but she is getting a flight out when I go into labour! Why cant she come and stay with me without having to run it past his royal highness first? Why does he have to follow on in the car as soon as he can get away from work and her then have to return home with him?

Okay so yes I am an adult and have lived in the real world for some time (despite them thinking I am a drama queen and dont know what the real world is like) but I hate him so much because he took her away. I want to spend some time with my mum without having some puppy follow her about – is that so much to ask?

September 15, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

What Did I Learn??

What did I learn today? If I must take little boy (lb) to help me in completing my course in bad parenting via the lovely junky goodness of MacDonalds – it is probably a better idea to pursue this idea at teatime as opposed to lunchtime.

Especially if he is walking and made to do so right through town to pit stop at Boots to drop a prescription in and then to Macdonalds nd onto the bus station – only to be made to walk back to Boots to collect the prescription.

The poor little mite fell asleep standing/flopped over the setee at five pm when we finally got back home and woke at bedtime… I have learned this leads to a hyperactive 21 month old bouncing up and down on the setee at 00:45.

Here’s hoping he lies in… but that would mean skipping breakfast… hmmm might have this bad parenting down to a tee before the week is out!

September 15, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment